According to Marvel, if all of their superheroes like Superman, Ironman, Spidey, Fantastic 4, Hulk, Heman, Robocop and all the super men and women that you can think of - fight amongst themselves, then the winner will be The Silver Surfer! Its a fact - since he can simply transform his opponents' powers into other energy forms! So noone can actually ever defeat him. Now I am not such a big fan of silver surfer - but this is what marvel has to say!
Thinking on these lines, I wonder who would be the most powerful super villain. I am not fond of any as such - most of the super villains seem queer to me - I admire Joker (Heath Ledger); he truly was evil. Also, I am keen to watch Mickey Rourke (Whiplash) in Iron Man II. However, in my opinion - the most powerful and a truly invincible bad guy would be none other then
I wonder why none of the story writers have not yet created this fellow. I feel like copy righting this chap right now! Imagine - a man made of plastic bags!!! Funny? Not so deadly? Lets see...
Meet my friend - A plastic bag! - The one that you and I carry at least once every single day at an average.
Production cost - maximum 4 Rs. to create a decent one (like the ones you get at shoppers stop or pantaloons). Average for those which you get at regular grocery stores is less then 10 Paise! Cheap huh? Not really!
Picture this, when this guy is born - there are mainly these things produced as by products:
1. Benzene and Vinyl Chloride - known to cause cancer in human beings... easily spread through water...
2. Liquid hydrocarbons - great pollutants for soil and air
3. Plastic resins - highly flammable, have contributed to cause several accidents worldwide.
4. Ethylene oxide and xylene - extremely noxious substances; may cause birth defects, cancer, damage to nervous and immunity systems, affect blood and kidneys!
And of course, there are a host of other gases and substances which are obtained as side kicks to this Evil Dude - and so the monster is born. Now, his biggest power???
USER FRIENDLINESS! My friend here, is the most friendly and welcoming guy ever! He has no intentions to fire bullets at people, destroy buildings or rob banks! He is here simply to destroy humanity- and that to by walking hands in hands with it with a smile on his face till the end.
USER FRIENDLINESS! My friend here, is the most friendly and welcoming guy ever! He has no intentions to fire bullets at people, destroy buildings or rob banks! He is here simply to destroy humanity- and that to by walking hands in hands with it with a smile on his face till the end.
How is it destroyable - NO WAY! Its true, the plastic bags that we use can NEVER be decomposed by bacteria or by dumping them in the soil. Infact, dumping them in soil or water would be like preserving them for eternity. So, you think you will burn this hunk???? Possible, and it will definitely die - but does that mean it wont harm you further? Nopes! It will be reborn in another form! If you burn the plastic man - he would release the most toxic gas known to science - DIOXIN.
So, now the super villain will exist in a gaseous form - which is even more powerful! Dioxin is mostly known for its efficiency to create mutations in human and animal genes, it is also a known teratogen - meaning it can effectively change the metaphysical or physiological development of an organism or a human being (google it know more!); and the gas plastic (Dioxin) is also a carcinogen - meaning it can cause various kinds of cancer. Not to forget the other host of poisonous gases which are produced while burning plastic, plus a hell lot of Carbon Dioxide - another super side kick determined to end the world!
Now you may feel the answer is "Recycling"???? Bingo!!!! But hang on guys - recycling plastic only means recreate the demon and make him more powerful! Recycling plastic is like recreating the entire mess that you created when you produced it in the first place! It will again create all those gases and substances one more time!
Long story short, once a plastic bag is created - it simply cannot be destroyed without potentially harming the environment. If not destroyed, these things will choke up our drainage systems or will create cadmium and lead wastes that make our waters poisonous if you have dumped them in soil. Besides, not to mention the number of aquatic animals that are dying every year due to plastic pollution (more then 100,000 each year) and the other animals that are dying or becoming ill due to plastic consumption.
If you are interested in knowing more, check out which is posted by experts in this field.
So, remember guys - the next Super Villain in your next favourite super hero flick could be the unbeatable - PLASTIC MAN! The only way the super hero could get rid of him would be to tie him up and send him in the space - and thats exactly what UNO is planning on right now! So watch out aliens in the space, your space ships might collide with our plastic dump parcels floating in the universe!!!
Anyway, on serious notes- I like Gandhinagar and Delhi coz the grocery store and dairy farm guys ask me to bring my own bag (although I give a nasty frown everytime they say this), and even Mumbai - where plastic water pouches are banned! But I dont really like the A'
bad tradition - and I know the only and the best way to check this menace is to check ourselves.
Be innovative like the pic on the right - save the earth and be a lil out of the box as well! Be good people, go green, hate plastic and save the planet! Right now, at an average – there are 25 kg plastic bags available on planet earth per person – so figure out the total population on the planet, multiply it with 25 (to save you the pain, it would be 17,495,034,250 – close to 2000 crores) – those many kgs of indestructible waste on earth right now! And we carry a part of it in our hands with such pleasure and ease! I am quite sure the generations to come will curse us – and for a valid reason… So the next time you ask for a plastic bag from the store keeper, remember the biggest villain of humanity is thankful to you:

Be innovative like the pic on the right - save the earth and be a lil out of the box as well! Be good people, go green, hate plastic and save the planet! Right now, at an average – there are 25 kg plastic bags available on planet earth per person – so figure out the total population on the planet, multiply it with 25 (to save you the pain, it would be 17,495,034,250 – close to 2000 crores) – those many kgs of indestructible waste on earth right now! And we carry a part of it in our hands with such pleasure and ease! I am quite sure the generations to come will curse us – and for a valid reason… So the next time you ask for a plastic bag from the store keeper, remember the biggest villain of humanity is thankful to you:
God Bless!
Absolutely agree with it bro...we must stop using these asap and should use the alternatives such as bags made of paper or cloth. I agree that some of us out here may feel that using a bag made of cloth will puncture their image or the very first thought that will come to our mind is what will someone think if i use a bag made of paper or cloth? However, i believe that there is nothin wrong in doing so and we should feel proud while carrying a paper or cloth bag because in a way we are making others aware of this super villain and this way we can spread the word easily. I feel we should start a massacre or movement against the use of plastic bags and this should be brought to the government's and public's attention. The sooner we start avoiding it the lesser powerful this demon will become. So come on all of you let's join our hands together and say NO to PLASTIC BAGS. Seeking your co-operation. Thanks a lot 4 writing this post Maulik...i am with you man! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI have noticed, in lot of places plastic bags are banned like in Gandhinagar, Darjeeling or in Shillong. Nobody will give you a plastic bag if you buy food, medicines etc but you go to big malls and buy something you will get a nice colorful bag. Hows that happening? Setting with authorities?
ReplyDeleteThanks Dev, Shareef - I say both of u ve strong valid points. One, ppl don carry cloth bags and paper bags in an attempt to not to look middle class. And two, neither the crowd nor the mall guys mind dispensing and using their huge bags - I think the mall guys shd find some eco frndly alternatives to check this! Let be proud of our desi thelis and cool paper bags - one small step towards a long journey! Nevertheless, it counts!
ReplyDeleteSince Many years we all are trying to say NO to PLASTIC BAGS but this is not much successful coz its quite convenient in using. People do know the disadvantages of using PLASTIC BAGS but they are not much worried coz they havent experienced the fatalities of this DEADLY BAGS personally. Its human mentality that they dont understand things so easily. They need a lesson to be taught to them or we can say that they need BABY FEEDING or SPOON FEEDING.. At least we all shd unite and stop using such hazardious material if we are using it now...
ReplyDeleteHopefully the big mall owners and Big Brands will come forward with PAPER or Clothing Bags which will be environment friendly.
At the end good work Maulik. Keep highlighting such issues.. Good Job..
You are cent percent right Shivam... The least we can expect from the educated retailers and customers is to use eco friendly materials... This may even work as a marketing strategy for the malls, but I guess their sales team is not so innovative.
ReplyDeleteSo, if not anyone else, lets start the cause at our homes, and spread the message!
Keep supplying inputs, they work like fuel for me... God Bless!