This is my effort to bring to notice of a common man like YOU and I - what exactly is going on in a radius of 2500 kms around him/her.
Where exactly is almost half of his/her tax money going to? How is international disconnects and world politics affecting YOU and I as individuals. You might find this of far-relevance to you, sitting in your cozy chair in a secured environment. But trust me, the way things are going on - we need to realize a few facts and figures before its too late - before knowingly or unknowingly, we become a part of this massacre.
Here are a few very interesting facts about the military expenses of our country and our neighbors: (Mind well, I am not bluffing - ask me if you want the source of any of this information.)
This is the amount of money that these nations spent on their defense in the last ONE YEAR:
Pakistan - 3.21% of its GDP
- which is 267,000,000,000 INR (26,700 Crores)
India - 2.41% of its GDP
India - 2.41% of its GDP
- which is 1,348,000,000,000 INR (1,34,800 Crores)
China - 1.96% of its GDP
- which is 4,330,000,000,000 INR (4,33,000 Crores)
And just FYI:
US - 4.28% of its GDP
- which would be 2,73,49,200 crore INR (Yes - Rs. 3 Crore Crore!)
Yes! You are thinking right. This means - in 2009, India spent more then ONE LAC CRORE as its defense expenses only!
US - 4.28% of its GDP
- which would be 2,73,49,200 crore INR (Yes - Rs. 3 Crore Crore!)
Yes! You are thinking right. This means - in 2009, India spent more then ONE LAC CRORE as its defense expenses only!
You know why? Check out the weapons menu:
cost of 1 bullet - 60-80 Rs. - could be upto 350 Rs. as well!
cost of 1 INSAS rifle - 17 thousand

cost of 1 low category tank ammo - 60-80 thousand
cost of 1 anti tank guided missile - 3 crores
cost of 1 fully loaded battle tank - 28 crores
cost of 1 anti tank guided missile - 3 crores
cost of 1 fully loaded battle tank - 28 crores
cost of 1 mig fighter - guess!
cost of 1 fully operational battle ship - can you even imagine?
Can you imagine how many of these are fired just for target practice or for experiments? Can you imagine how many are fired during actual war? Not to mention the cost of the ships and the planes we are so happy to display at the 26th Jan parade. If you are interested for the entire list, check out these links:
Chinese dont say much on net
Now, since we know how much we are spending, lets see where and most importantly WHY we are spending.
Before you begin, understand one FACT. The sentences to follow refer to a a few individuals - AND NOT AN ENTIRE REGION, NATION OR COMMUNITY or ANY COMMON MAN like you and I living in that region. A common man has too much to do to get involved in these nobel activities!
Kindly pay attention to the following TOP 5 LIST:
Now, since we know how much we are spending, lets see where and most importantly WHY we are spending.
Before you begin, understand one FACT. The sentences to follow refer to a a few individuals - AND NOT AN ENTIRE REGION, NATION OR COMMUNITY or ANY COMMON MAN like you and I living in that region. A common man has too much to do to get involved in these nobel activities!
Kindly pay attention to the following TOP 5 LIST:
Some great battles going on in the South Asian Continent - of which we all should be proud of:***********
Ranking 5
Ranking 5
The Incredible Insurgency in North East India
The 7 north eastern states want to create their own independent country - considering their linguistic and cultural differences from "mainland india" - as they call it.
Central government is accused of avoiding these states and they are highly influenced by neighbour China - its communist ideology and trade benefits (and of course the linguistic similarities).
The 7 north eastern states want to create their own independent country - considering their linguistic and cultural differences from "mainland india" - as they call it.
Central government is accused of avoiding these states and they are highly influenced by neighbour China - its communist ideology and trade benefits (and of course the linguistic similarities).
Since When?
1964 till date
How many lives lost so far?
1964 till date
How many lives lost so far?

1000 plus - as on records
Ranking 4
The Baffled Battle of Balochistan
Ranking 4
The Baffled Battle of Balochistan
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran fighting over a piece of land which was previously the Free Sovereign state of Kalat. Half of it belongs to Pakistan right now, this area being the least populated and least developed - as good as a no man's land.
The trouble is that there is no such decision maker for this land right now. Population comprises of Muslims, Sikhs and Jews.
Since When?
1964 - as on records
1948 - as per common sense
1964 - as on records
1948 - as per common sense
How many lives lost so far?
7000 plus - as on records
Ranking 3
The Naughty Naxalites within India
The Naughty Naxalites within India
One word - Marxism and Communism (dont get confused with religious communal-ism) This is a demand by some intelligent men to eradicate the differences created by the capitalist government. I need to write 3 pages to explain this entire concept - so lets not get into that for now.
So, in a nutshell, this concept promotes that instead of huge corporations sucking our blood, the government itself does it all. Or, everyone is equal - since everyone is the owner of his business, or no one really is the owner. Or, everyone has equal profit and loss. You can find a million sources to learn more about this.
Since When?
1967 - eastern India till date
1988 - southern India till date
So, in a nutshell, this concept promotes that instead of huge corporations sucking our blood, the government itself does it all. Or, everyone is equal - since everyone is the owner of his business, or no one really is the owner. Or, everyone has equal profit and loss. You can find a million sources to learn more about this.
Since When?
1967 - eastern India till date
1988 - southern India till date
How many lives lost so far?
7500 plus - Let me know if you dont believe this - I wld give you the sources
Ranking 2
Ranking 2
The Weird Waziristan
Or The Nonsense of North West Pakistan
This one is funny. It is a war between Pakistani Militants and the Al-Queda! Now, the reason is really vague. There are certain tribes in the north west Pak, near to Afghan border - who consider themselves a part of Pak, but wont allow it to enter to search for Al-Queda group members. This region is called Waziristan.
Since When?
2004 till date
How many lives lost so far?
30,500 plus
This one is funny. It is a war between Pakistani Militants and the Al-Queda! Now, the reason is really vague. There are certain tribes in the north west Pak, near to Afghan border - who consider themselves a part of Pak, but wont allow it to enter to search for Al-Queda group members. This region is called Waziristan.
Since When?
2004 till date
How many lives lost so far?
30,500 plus
Number 1
The Killer Kashmir
The Killer Kashmir
Kashmir wants independent Kashmir! Pakistan and India want Kashmir as their own territory! There are more then 50 official - unofficial organizations working on this - to create a Kashmir as they want it to be.
Again, lets not forget China - who also wants a piece of cake - noone in India remebers the battle of 1962 - since we lost it!
Again, lets not forget China - who also wants a piece of cake - noone in India remebers the battle of 1962 - since we lost it!
Since When?
1947 till date
1947 till date
How many lives lost so far?
90,000 - as on records
After stating all these facts, I have only one word to say... "WHY???"
Are we out of our minds? I dont think so. I believe the majority of population - no matter which country, religion or language they follow or belong to - wants peace. Noone wants to spend their time, money or energy on rockets, tanks or fighter jets. Only 5% of the population wants war. The problem is this 5-10% are the ones making decisions.
Is a piece of land or implementation of a concept so important that these people are okay with killing innocents and wasting so much of our valuable resources? Considering the current global environment - if we dont do something to save earth in the first place - the piece of land for which we are fighting may not exist tomorrow! Or the human species may be in danger - is that not a reason enough to worry?
Think - Is it really worth losing so many human lives and spending so much of resources and energy just for a Conceptional dispute? I dont think so. And I strongly believe that any common man, no matter if he is Indian, Pakistani or Chinese would agree with me. This needs to be put forth to all the organizations (-social and antisocial) and governments who are taking decisions on behalf of their communities and their people to act and enforce these things.
All we need is communication. Let us all talk - communicate with each other. Let us forget our regional, religious and linguistic differences. Let us share our ideas - and ways to implement them. If a majority of the people of these nations take a united stand and express it in an effective way to their governments - there can be a change made.
Let us all unite - and form a Common Man's Nation - where there are expenses only on things like better education, commuting systems, technological advancements and such productive things. Where the reasons behind losing a life can only be medical.
Let us do something to make words like "terrorist" and "war" extinct and historical like "dinosaur" or "witch hunting". So that after two-three generations from now - children are taught in schools that there used to be a social evil called "war" - which now no longer exists! Please guys - if this makes sense to you, forward this link to as many you know. Let us all unite and fight against the fight itself. I sincerely request all of you to propagate this message, and make additions or modifications as per your will. Mail this link, write comments in here, share this on networking sites - be innovative. The success of this blog will only be completed when it would reach Meghalaya, Pakistan, Singapore and the rest of the world. Difficult - but not impossible!
Let us share and care. Let us forget and forgive. Let us unite and unify. Let us create a new future - a new history. Let us all have PEACE IN ITS TRUE SENSE.
Let us do something to make words like "terrorist" and "war" extinct and historical like "dinosaur" or "witch hunting". So that after two-three generations from now - children are taught in schools that there used to be a social evil called "war" - which now no longer exists! Please guys - if this makes sense to you, forward this link to as many you know. Let us all unite and fight against the fight itself. I sincerely request all of you to propagate this message, and make additions or modifications as per your will. Mail this link, write comments in here, share this on networking sites - be innovative. The success of this blog will only be completed when it would reach Meghalaya, Pakistan, Singapore and the rest of the world. Difficult - but not impossible!
Let us share and care. Let us forget and forgive. Let us unite and unify. Let us create a new future - a new history. Let us all have PEACE IN ITS TRUE SENSE.

AAaaah....!! again gr8 job mentor.....!!!
ReplyDeleteya evry1 wants peace...i knw its easy 2 comment on ths topic but v people just sitting back @ our place cant decide the future.....
but i hope evrythg goes right n b in favour of peace.....
Well, its good your hopes are positive... And trust me bro, we can make a difference and change the future... By spreading the message!
ReplyDeleteProud Of you my Hubby
ReplyDeleteThanks dear... Like they say - a man becomes a philosopher once he is married! So, m on my way!!! LOL!