Saturday - 3:30 in the morning... Just watched Scream 4... A few questions that I really wanna ask - don know to whom, so posting on d blog for you people to ponder:
Here is the list...
Top 10 Questions 4 Scream 4:
I ve read so many Indian news incidents where people amazingly only go to the ICU after being stabbed for like a couple of dozen times and come ou
t all healed just fine in a month! Are Americans so fragile that they ALWAYS die 1 single blow OR in like 4 stabs max for some tough guys??? (Does not apply to the lead character)

Why in the name of holy mother cow doesnt any house in America have grills on the windows???? (Keep is Secured Silly...)

Isnt it super inconvenient for the Scream Psycho to climb windows, do summer-shorts, run faster than anyone but the lead character, walk on roof tops and all the cool ninja-type stuff in his black ghaghra???
(or even carry d knife for that matter - imagine lifting the ghaghra to pull out the knife from your pocket everytime you gotta kill someone - ufffffff tht's not gonna help you be fast!)
Just look at the length of this thing....
Why do ALLL the other characters - who wear normal clothes like jeans and running shoes, etc. keep on falling on flat earth when they are being chased???
(whereas the ghaghra-guy SELDOM EVER loses balance!)
Or is it the heels Sydney????
Did Wes Carven or Dimension Films do a tie-up with Apple/Steve Jobs for this sequel??? (watch it - u wld figure this out!)

Why do the REAL HOT CHICKS always die in movies??? (Not just for Scream - this is universal) Has Darwin talked about Survival of the Average Looking? - If not, someone get this patented....
Compare for yourselves....

Why cant I EVERRRRRRRRRRRR guess the real psycho in any of the movies??? (This is THE BIGGEST complement that I can ever give to Wes Carven)

How can this be a blockbuster quadrology???
Why in the name of Quentin Tarantino do I and other people like me watch these crap movies if we know how crapy they really are???

Since I am out of questions - here is the last one: DOES THIS MEAN WE SHOULD NOW EXPECT SCARY MOVIE 8??? (The trailer for 7 is out already...)
