Today I feel like writting about the very first line that I heard from my wife at 4 in the morning! I don't go to gym that early - the reason behind me being up at that hour is that this, being the holy month of Ramzaan (Ramadan) - my wife has to do her Sehri (have the first meal for the day) before a stipulated time! And then, she fasts for at least 14 hours at a stretch every single day, and this would go on for the whole month!!! God bless her strength and courage, coz honestly and shamelessly admitting - I would literally go insane if I do that even for 5 days at a stretch!
Anyway, so I stepped out before she even woke up today morning to get some stuff, and after I was back home, like a true gentleman I greeted her with a sweet "good-morning" kind of a sugar coated soothing phrase. To which, she responded appropriately, again like a true gentle-caring-lady. And then, her first line - the beginning of our daily conversation - was an exclamatory remark: "YOU KNOW WHAT??? AATIF ASLAM IS DEAD!!!"
I don't like to boast about myself, but I would like to coin here that after all that I have done, seen and been through in life, there are hardly any news that genuinely surprise me. I have become "placid" (love that word) to an annoying extent. So obviously, I was not like "Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!" after hearing this, but I responded with a curious looking "What? How?" to this note! (Although, I admit I would yell a biiiiiiiig "WHAAAAAAAAAT" if someone tells me that Droid 2 would NEVER get launched in India!)
So, she told me that one of her friends, whom she considered a "probable-reliable" source of information had sent her a text breaking the sad news! I don't usually accept and digest this sort of information without verifying it. Hence, I googled it and found various more "reliable-reliable" sources claiming that Aatif Aslam was very much alive! You probably won't believe, but since morning, at least 5 of my buddies have forwarded similar text messages to me confirming the sad demise of Aatif Aslam!
Hence, the idea behind me sharing this incident with you is - why do we always accept variety of information just because it has the right amount of spice in it??? I can give you countless examples of myths as this one, which have been so widespread just coz the rumour pressed the right buttons in people's minds. The biggest example is the "Do Not Use Your Cellphone" sign at any petrol pump - Yes... This is sheer bullshit and you can verify the same with reliable sources like mythbusters (Click here to to check if you'ld like to!).
Other examples like why are all the clocks/watches set at 10:10 AM in their display ads? Many people believe its because the first atom bomb was dropped at that time (I used to believe this for quite a long time!). Many think because some legendary person like Mahatma Gandhi, JF Kennedy, etc. was shot/died at that time. But all that is a sad lie! The truth is that its just because if the watch hands are at 10:10, a.) the manufacturer's logo is displayed properly and b.) this way, the hands resemble a smile!
Check this link to verify: The watch fact!
So, my only point is that we land up gathering and distributing incorrect and irrelevant information many times and this exclusively holds good in sensitive cases like world politics, celebrity gossip and the most critical topic - Religion!
Being your well-wisher, and a strong supporter of UNBIASED-LOGICAL-FAIR information in its true sense, I would like to request all of you to check your facts before you start spreading them! This way my friend – the world would be a less complex place!!! If you still wanna cross check that Aatif is really really not stiff, Click Here!!!
One more fact you might wanna know, is that when you hold a Sea Shell on your ear, it’s the sound of your blood surging through the veins what you hear – and not the sound of the ocean! You can very well hear the same sound even if you are sitting in your drawing room in Bhopal or Texas or Cambridge!
Many other facts like these are quite surprising, but all true nonetheless! So, keep doing a reality check and spread the knowledge worth spreading!!! If you would like to share any such surprising fact, you are most welcome to post a comment in here - for all you know, I might have to write an entire blog on it! Hope to hear some "whaaaaaaaaaat!" kindda stuff from you guys!
God bless!!!